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Kellie’s Packing Wins for a family villa holiday

As a mum of three who has experienced the highs and lows of family travel, I’ve navigated everything from passports and snacks to meltdowns and tantrums. Whether it’s been adventures with the entire family or solo trips with the kids, I've had to seriously up my game when it comes to planning and of course being prepared for the unexpected.

Yet, there’s one aspect of traveling with my brood that often proves tricky: packing. Ensuring everyone’s essentials are accounted for and accessible when needed, while keeping the luggage manageable, is no mean feat. However, with a few strategic travel hacks and a little organisation, even packing can be fun—this is when the excitement should really kick in, making packing part of the holiday experience. A family villa holiday is something to look forward to, so don’t let the overwhelm of packing for the family impact that. Here are my top tips to lighten the load (pardon the pun).



Packing For Your Family Holiday

Firstly, pay attention to airline restrictions – Make a note of the allowed dimensions and weight limits for both your cabin and hold luggage. Some airlines even have strict guidelines for how big and heavy the personal bag can be. So simple yet SO important! Having to pay at the airport for those extra kilos is not the one, believe me!

Have a packing list - Think lists are boring? In my experience, they are everything, especially if you’re a busy mum. Create a list for each family member and include an ‘extras’ section. The extras section is for things like toys, books, chargers, iPads, adaptors, snacks, and such like. Check the list once, twice, and then once more just to be extra sure. Tick each item off as you pack it, not before - even if it does make you feel like you’re winning.

Know your system - Keep everything you need to access while at the airport within easy reach. I always take some form of cross-body bag for passports, tickets, phone, etc. Make sure your toiletry bag is within easy reach for security and pre-prepare any liquids that need to be placed in a clear plastic bag. There is nothing more stressful than frantically rummaging through your luggage at security. One, you’re more likely to misplace something, and two, well, it’s just really annoying, isn’t it?

If you are traveling as a blended family or your child has a different surname from the accompanying adult, be sure to carry a copy of their birth certificate. I’ve been caught off guard by this on several occasions when traveling solo with my children.


Hand luggage – Make sure this is fully stocked. Let’s be honest, when you’re flying with a family, there is rarely a need to take a book for yourself. However, entertainment for the little ones is vital; a bored child on a plane equals stressed-out parents. If you are taking a tablet, make sure it’s fully charged and you have downloaded anything they may want to watch or play during the flight. Snacks—there is no such thing as too many—and any other quiet activities your little ones enjoy are essential. Create a small entertainment kit with colouring books, crayons, puzzles, and small toys to keep children entertained during travel and downtime.

Hold luggage – Sharing is always caring. I used to be super hung up on each family member having their own luggage, but actually, in many cases, this isn’t needed, particularly when clothes and items are small.

  • Clothes: Roll rather than fold; it saves space and helps minimise in-transit creasing. Coordinate outfits that can mix and match easily, enabling you to create multiple looks with fewer items.
  • Packing Cubes: These are a fantastic invention. Not only do they keep your things organised, but unpacking at the other end is a breeze. Many of your cubes can be popped in the wardrobe or drawers as they are - less time unpacking means more time by the villa pool.
  • Shoes: When possible, always travel in your bulkiest pair. In fact, this goes for your entire traveling outfit. Besides this, stuff your shoes with socks, underwear, and any other small items of clothing.
  • Summer Hats: Arrive at your destination with your summer hat in perfect condition and save on case space. Place your hat in your case first, upside down, ensure the trim is lying flat, then pad out the middle with your clothes to hold its shape. It will be just perfect on arrival.
By simply planning ahead, you can change the dread of packing into a more manageable and even enjoyable part of your holiday. Remember, by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Be organised, think ahead, and make that LIST!


Happy Travels x